
Listen. Inspire. Take Note.

Join Shaunie Sanders as she interviews the everyday entrepreneur ―turning their wisdom into actionable advice you can use in your life no matter your age, profession or industry. Our subject matter ranges from turning your passion into profit, how to gain influence, the art of side hustles and more!

Sponsorship Opportunities at Girl Take Note

Join the Movement of Empowering Women in Business

Welcome to "Girl Take Note," a top-rated podcast where inspiration meets actionable advice. Our podcast is dedicated to uplifting and empowering women entrepreneurs, providing them with the resources and motivation to turn their dreams into reality. By sponsoring "Girl Take Note," you become part of a movement that celebrates female entrepreneurship and leadership.

Why Sponsor "Girl Take Note"?

  • Targeted Audience: Reach an engaged audience of aspiring and established women entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and change-makers.

  • Brand Visibility: Elevate your brand's presence among a community that values innovation, empowerment, and growth.

  • Customizable Campaigns: We offer a range of sponsorship packages, tailored to meet your brand's unique marketing goals.

Just a few of our accomplishments:

Sponsorship Options:

  • Podcast Episode Sponsorship:

    Your brand will be featured in our podcast episodes.

    Customized shout-outs at the beginning and end of an episode.

    Opportunity to include a brief message about your products or services.

  • Banner Ads on Our Website:

    Prominent ad placement on the Girl Take Note website.

    High visibility to our website visitors.

    Links directly to your website or product page.

  • In-Episode Ad Placements:

    Place your ads directly within our podcast episodes.

    Engage listeners with your message in a native, integrated format.

    Ideal for creating a strong recall value for your brand.

  • Featured Posts on Social Media:

    Promote your brand on our active social media platforms.

    Engage our audience through sponsored posts or stories.

    Drive traffic to your platforms with customized call-to-actions.

“Ready to Partner with Us?

We are thrilled about the possibility of partnering with your brand! To explore sponsorship opportunities and discuss collaboration, please contact us:

📧 Email: info@girltakenote.com

Join us in empowering the next generation of women leaders and entrepreneurs. Partner with "Girl Take Note" today!

Send us an email!

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly!

We can't wait to hear from you!